How Long Should a Jump Rope Be? | Correct Length of Jumping Rope

How Long Should a Jump Rope Be

Follow Simple guidelines to know about How Long Should a Jump Rope Be? We all know jump rope is an inexpensive method of fitness. Here the question is How Long Should a Jump Rope Be? Well, for the length of a jump rope, it must be long enough that can be easily adjusted and shorter rope wouldn’t be more comfortable for everyone to get it. Yes, jump rope is best for cardio exercises, and if you people haven’t tried this yet then give a try, it would be an amazing experience.

How Long Jump Rope should be? It’s a more natural method to calculate the ideal size of the rope. Jump rope helps you to increase body awareness with hand and foot coordination. Here we are going to let you know what exactly you people need to do in the following section of the blog.

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Measure the Height

Do you know people it’s imperative to measure height first because without accurate height you can’t figure out the exact length? When we pull both ends of the jump rope towards the sky, then tips of rope should reach to armpits, and shorter length won’t hit the ground and pass under the feet. It’s not difficult to adjust the rope length, but we suggest you all get the only one that is made for you only.

Guidelines to Find Out the Right Size of Jump Rope

Finding out the right size of the rope can be trickier. We have just brought a few guidelines to follow for determining the proper size with the help of instructors.

  • Stand straight on the middle of the rope with one foot
  • Make sure rope is stretched by pulling both handles
  • Handles tips should reach to shoulders for beginners
  • Handle tips should reach to below or the armpit for experienced jumpers
  • For all those where handles get extend beyond shoulders there rope should be shortened
  • Rope can be shortened easily by tying a knot below handles
  • Snap Lock mechanism is used for permanently shortening a rope

How Long Should a Jump Rope Be? Do All Calculations in a Simple Way

Follow Height Chart

We suggest you follow the basic height chart to determine the correct rope length for height. Follow the height and then grab different sizes of rope.

  • Less than 4 feet and 9 inches tall can use a 7-foot rope
  • For over 4 feet & 9 inches as well as under 5 feet & 4 inches can use 8-foot rope
  • For 5 feet & 4 inches to 5 feet & 8 inches can use 9-foot rope
  • In between 5 feet 9 inches & 6 feet,6 inches people can use 10-foot rope
  • For taller than 6 feet,6 inches use 11-foot rope

These are some things that need to be considered while selecting the right size of rope. We all are familiar with its benefits, and it affordably boosts our health. If jump rope is used to burn calories, then it has been figured out about 3,500 calories are burned with this method. Lots of variations are being used with jumping rope such as high knees, butt kicks, side swings, crossovers and double under. Jump rope would provide you a healthy workout that will keep you fit and healthy.
